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Who do you know that has gone that extra mile?

Updated: Sep 16, 2018

The Kate Granger Award for Outstanding Contribution recognises people who have not only gone the extra mile but have given significant and lasting contributions to others. Do you know someone that has put their own battles aside to see something positive in each day, even if they had to look a little harder than most?

​Read Kate's most incredible story... Dr Kate Granger was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer in 2011 at the tender age of 29. She captured the attention of the nation by writing about her experiences with the illness as an NHS patient. She started a 'Bucket List', charity fundraising and published 2 books 'The Other Side' and 'The Bright Side'. ​ Kate launched the #HelloMyNameIs campaign to encourage medical workers to introduce themselves after her own experiences as a patient.

Kate's was 'not afraid' to inspire others with her overwhelming personality, determination and dreams to raise awareness. Her fundraising exploits included a skydive, swimming the length of the English Channel, the Leeds 10k and a 13 mile trek in the Lake District while her husband Chris Pointon completed the 96 mile West Highland Way and a gruelling trek on the Great Wall of China.

Kate sadly passed away in July 2016 just after she had reached her target of £250,000 for Yorkshire Cancer charities. “That in itself is an outstanding contribution to others” Melanie Malcolm from Yorkshire Choice commented “and we are deeply honoured to have the Outstanding Contribution Award named after Kate”

Jo Maltby from Yorkshire Choice said “Kate was a true heroine and if we can find someone with a pinch of her devotion and intrepid passion they will be very special indeed. Our Awards celebrate all that is good in Yorkshire and Kate was as good as it gets”

Yorkshire Choice Headline Sponsor Yorkshire Payments are also sponsor of the Kate Granger Award commented “When the opportunity came up to become a sponsor, it was a no-brainer for us. The Yorkshire Choice awards fits our ethos of celebrating and promoting all that is great about Yorkshire perfectly, and we couldn’t be more delighted to be on board. Good luck to everyone involved this year!”

The Yorkshire Choice Award Ceremony takes place on the 6th April 2019 at the Centenary Pavilions Elland Road, Leeds United, the evening is set to be one to remember with the array of inspirational and selfless nominations received. The 2019 Yorkshire Choice charity partner is Bethany’s Smile, please help us by supporting this worthy charity on the evening.

To nominate in the Yorkshire Choice Awards please visit

To sponsor an award please visit our website to download the sponsor brochure

To book Awards Gala Dinner tickets please visit

Yorkshire Ladies Links is a trading division of Bespoke Networking Ltd | Company Registration No. 4928053

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