YORKSHIRE LADIES LINKS INVITES YOU TO JOIN BUSINESS WORKS for a FREE Business and Tax Workshop - Updating business owners on what has changed recently
Join Business Works at 1pm for free sandwiches and nibbles.
You will find out information on:
TAX – How to reduce your tax liability and recent changes in legislation.
DIVIDENDS –Using a mixture of PAYE and Dividends to pay yourself through a limited company is still good tax planning, but what are the latest rules and how will they affect how much tax you pay? Do the latest changes in Dividend Tax effect whether you should be a sole trader or Limited Company?
P11D (BENEFIT IN KIND) – There have been recent changes on items deemed as benefit in kind. What and who does this effect personally and how does it affect your payroll?
AUTO ENROLMENT - This legislation was introduced a few years ago and is now effecting small businesses in larger numbers. Do you know your staging date? Do you know what you have to do by law and by when? Do you know what choices you have? How to avoid the harsh penalty regime for those who don’t comply?
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CREDITS - A way to get HMRC to give you money! Have you invested time and money in the research and development of new products? Was the outcome uncertain? You may be able to claim enhanced expenses to reduce your tax bill, or even claim cash back from HMRC.
PATENT BOX – A way to significantly reduce your tax bill. Have applied for or received a Patent? You may be able to significantly reduce your Corporation Tax bill for the lifetime of the Patent.
This free business workshop is hosted at the Yorkshire Ladies Links ‘Be Inspired Conference’ on International Women’s Day, 8th March at Wetherby Racecourse & Conference Centre.
Delivered to you by Jo Tomlinson a qualified accountant and growth coach.
Jo has a small pro-active accountancy practice in Garforth. After working for 20 years in industry, Jo felt she could add value to small businesses who needed more than just their tax return filling in. Eight years on, Jo has an ever growing client base and a team of 7. The vast majority of new clients come from referrals and this, Jo believes, is down to two things:
1. "If we give our clients the support and advice they need to achieve their dreams and goals, they will grow. And when they grow, they will need more of our services, and tell their friends and colleagues about us."
2. "To get the best service level and value for money, you should purchase services from a business who is large enough to provide all the services you need and has the experience and qualifications to give you the confidence that they can deliver the quality of service you expect, and small enough to care about each and every one of our clients."